July 18th > August 4th


of Jazz in Marciac

Press review

Jazz au Coeur Newspaper

Dear English speakers, At Jazz au Coeur Newspaper, we always felt it unfair that you could not always read our articles, decode our (sometimes subtle, sometimes simply bland) references to music, artists and jazz standards, in short enjoy the pleasure of being a fan and running after each issue to complete one's collection. To be fair we feel the same frustration when an artist, and many do so these days, begins to tell his or her lite on stage using Shakespeare's language instead of Moliere's. So, to show you our gratitude for being/living there and attending this marvellous festival, here's a selection of this week's articles in English.
Enjoy and tell us what you think at: englishdesk.jac2024@gmail.com

© Laurent Sabathé

© Laurent Sabathé